Monday, September 27, 2010

HW . 5

I think that dominant discourse is something that shapes who you are and when related to food I think it’s how food shapes who you are through the media. The media put out information proving that food is a killer or that food is medicine and when people listen to the information it then shapes how they eat and what they eat.
            Someone who was well informed on the media and what it had to do with food. Would be a very healthy person because the media is trying to change people food habits and make them healthier. So someone who was following the Medias views on food would probably eat a lot of organic fresh foods and makes their own because eating out can’t always be the healthiest, you don’t know how other people are cooking your food and how they are making it. Also their view on food would probably be different to someone else, food would probably have mixed views and have a hard time trying to do everything that the media says like eat 3 meals a day but eat a serving of vegetables; meat and bread, but then don’t eat too much. So eating would probably be difficult because their trying to keep up with what the media is saying.
            When food is looked at as a “killer” doctors and scientist try to then attack what they think the problem and find a way to then fix it. The food on TV is described as if it was a poison and a threat that you’re going to die and the only way to fix it is to eat what they think or claim to be good or the right food for you. In a way they are forcing people to eat what they want by threatening them that if they don’t their life are at stake.  By doing this the media is then controlling what you eat and your lifestyle because changing what you eat might not affect just your diet but the rest of your life and maybe not in a positive way. I think it’s a bad thing that people are paying too much attention to the media because usually when they advertise food, they show the food off using a beautiful model to lure people in or catchy slogans and then after you buy it they put out that the food is bad for you and can cause a disease.
            I noticed how doctors and scientists tell people what to do when it comes to food but they don’t know everything there is to know, because at first they’ll tell you not to eat this much or in a few years you’re going to die of high blood pressure but at the same time eat it but not to much. So in a way doctors don’t know what’s right either, but they are still able to shape the way people eat in society. But nowadays people are opening up more fresh food markets and people are even buying from them because the media advertises it as being good for you, like carrots they make your eyesight better according to doctors. So people who have bad eyesight or where glasses are going to start eating more carrots, I even started eating more carrots hoping that my eyesight would then improve. When food is looked as a medicine it really can be good for you and do good for you it’s just the problem getting those foods because it’s not something that’s common.

HW . 4

When it comes to food and my family they all basically see and approach food the same way. For my mom when she gets food on a typical day she tends to eat only one or two meals a day because she sometimes works through lunch. But when she gets home she eats small portions of food and snacks like pretzels, chips, cookies and ice. The reason I believe she eats the way she does because I think she doesn’t look at food as something she wants or comforting to make you feel good but mostly she has to or needs to. For example when she doesn’t eat lunch it’s more of a need for her to eat because and she can’t go the whole day, be healthy and live eating just snacks, so the way I see it it’s more of a need for her to eat when she gets home so that she’ll at least get the nutrients she needs. Also my aunt when she was raised she was taught that “if you don’t like it don’t eat it” and “eat everything on your plate there are children in Africa starving” so now she only eats what she likes and is a picky eater. So because she was taught that it shapes the way she eats and approach her food, which is to eat everything that she is given and you should appreciate what your are given. But at the same time make you feel guilty that there are kids who don’t have food and you do but at the same time want to waste it by not eating it all.
       On special occasions food is looked as a source of comfort and to bring the family closer even if no one is really talking, just having everyone around you eating gives you a sense of comfort. On my mom side of the family they eat a lot of grits, eggs, meat, greens and yams while on my father side which is West Indian they eat a lot of potatoes, rice, fish, fruit, and drink a lot of alcohol or use it in food. Those foods were used on typical occasions because they had time to cook. But since me or my mom don’t always have time to cook a full meal or in the mood to do all that work, when we order out we still tend to eat rice, and some kind of meat as a everyday thing even if it’s not a typical southern or West Indian meal.
Since half of my family is West Indian and live in the West Indies, they tend to eat. I grew up loving rice and fruit and the reason for that I think is because it’s something that was used a lot in my family so it has been passed down and then I was raised eating a lot of rice and fruit too. Also when it comes to eating food on that side of my family you’re supposed to get a little of everything and if it’s something new you should still get some and try it, so when I go out to places or just at home I try to get a little of everything to eat to try it all and what I don’t like I wont eat it again. My father just like my mother used food as a sense of comfort and Sunday’s tend to be a big deal because they go all out and make a big dinner because it’s the only time that everyone can really sit down and be together. Which is something that I learned now and was taught . A foodways related to culture is that when you’re in a West Indian household and someone gives you food and it something you don’t like or never ate before you have to eat it or you will looked at as being rude and will lose some respect for doing that.
For any meal that my family cooks its always prepared with everyone helping out. Even if they’re not in the kitchen literally cooking their still doing something in the living room to help out. Usually the women would be the ones cooking food in my household because they tend to have the all the skills and know all the recipes that were passed down from generations compared to the men. Then when the food is served you notice who’s plate is for a man or who is for a women because the men tend to fill their plate up and put as much as they can on the plate while woman will get just a little bit and if they want more they will go back to get it. When it comes to me I do a little bit of both I’m greedy and like to take as much food as I can because I don’t want it to be gone by the time I’m finish, but also go back to get a little bit more while I still have some on my plate.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

HW . 3

When I think of fast food I think of something hot greasy and oily, that will always fill me up even if it’s just a medium size French fries. With organic foods the first thing that come to mind is usually fresh vegetables and fruits things that are healthy for you and hasn’t sat in hot oil.
One thing that I’ve noticed about fast food restaurants, especially McDonalds is how they have changed over time, they used to have bright reds and yellows I think to catch the attention of customers because it stands out. But now over the years it has toned down and started to look like a typical cafĂ© almost like a Starbucks only with bright pictures on the windows and cheap food. I never paid attention to, before but in fast food restaurants you’re most likely to only see minorities. Like today I saw about just a few Caucasian people in McDonalds and they seemed dressed up as if they were in a rush for work and had to get something quick to eat but had to settle for McDonalds because it’s convenient, fast and cheap even though it’s not what they really want. When we were at McDonalds we asked a few people why they come there, and the reason was mostly because the food is good or they have the munchies and it’s cheap. I also noticed how fast food restaurants try to give customers a feeling as if they have privacy even though their in a public area, by having private little seats, I guess to make it feel less awkward having strangers around you eating and looking at you.
I noticed that there has never been a green market uptown from 100th and up I guess because you’re going into Harlem then the Heights and the population is mostly blacks and Spanish so market owners probably feel they won’t make a profit selling up their because blacks and Spanish people can’t afford it. If they could make money than they wouldn’t have green markets just downtown where the population is mostly white. But I also saw a sign at the market saying that they accept food stamps and EBT cards which I guess is supposed to be their way of trying to reach out to other races such as blacks because they now accept food stamps. Even at the market today I didn’t see any black, Spanish, but I did noticed that they men that were delivering the food were Mexicans or of some Spanish decent and it’s probably a low income job to deliver it to the markets to. Also having a market right across the street from McDonalds you would think some people would choose to get something that’s cheap and fast for breakfast just something quick on their way to work but they would rather pay more money for breads and fruit that wont fill you up as much unless you pay more.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

HW . 2

To me food is an essential in my life. It’s something I like and enjoy but also need to live that’s what makes it so important. An average human can only go a certain amount of time before their going to need food to just survive. But food can also been seen as a want at times and not necessarily a need. At times if I just see food and it’s something I like ill eat it even if I’m not hungry at the time. Mostly the reason on why I like food so much is the fact that it feels me up, and it’s something that makes me feel better, it’s a positive thing. But I think food can be influenced by your emotions and your mood at the time and then it can become a negative thing. For those who look at food as to cope from something like depression they might then take advantage of that and eat all the time which can then lead to obesity especially if they aren’t eating healthy foods. Food can also be influenced by money, if you’re someone that doesn’t have a lot of money, then you’re always going to have to settle for what you can get and that might not always be the best. The best things in life are always the most expensive and it’s the same with food. For someone who can only afford McDonalds as their everyday typical meal isn’t healthy but for those who have more money someone can get something healthy like steak, lobster, etc. So money is always going to have an influence on your food.  
When it comes to food I’m not someone that has priorities so I’m not a picky eater, but I am kind of scared when it comes to trying new foods that are very out of what I’m used to, like sushi. I’ve been told by people that’s it’s something that you would have to just have the taste for because it has an special taste that not all people are used to. But if it looks good and I know I’ll like it then its fine for me. But then again I try to stay away from the fast food places because it’s unhealthy and even though now it might not affect me 10 years from now it will. So I personally try to stay away from McDonalds, Burger King, etc. For something to be an ideal meal for me it’ll just have to be something that I will enjoy. If I’m given food that I don’t like or tastes weird then I won’t eat it. The point of food is that it’s supposed to taste good, and be to your liking and fulfill the need you have and when I find something that I enjoy I tend to get greedy, but its good so I don’t care.