Thursday, October 28, 2010

HW . 7d

chapter 17:
I was going to take some food home with me back to california, but that would be

everything that joel stands for so I decided against it and decided to cook for
some friends that lived close. The meat and products we get from animals is
always better for us when they eat their natural food because their are certain
things our bodies need and specific amounts such as omega 3. But we can only get
it if cows or fish are eating their natural foods like grass or phytoplankton.
But corn fed cows or fish end up rising the amount of omega 3s they have so that
their will be a raise in heart disease in our society. I wounder if the
companies that are adding corn and all of these extra products know or care that
they are the ones that are responsible for slowly killing our society. They are
the ones that are making obesity, diabetes, etc. rise in america. Yet they dont
do anything to try and stop it. It would make sense to change it because people
will soon realize that maybe it is the food causing their loved ones to die or
become obese and then stop buying those products.

chapter 18:
I wanted to try one more thing out by making a meal where everything has been
hunted and gathered for. Hunting is probably the best way to have a healthy
meal, but since theirs not much game or time for people to go and hunt no one
does it. After getting my license I started looking everywhere for what could
potenionally be part of my dinner, but everyhing was divided into the maybe good
to eat pile or what could possiy kill me and theirs a 50% chance that anything I
pick up could not be edible and a chance that I'm not willing to take. A hunter
gatherer meal is the safest and the best meal and I think if everyone started to
eat like that then all the problems that we have with our health will go down.
But then the problem would be how do you know what is safe to eat and what's
not. So it seems for everything theirs going to be a downside to it. For locally
grown food it's trying to find one close to you or the price.

chapter 19:
To become a vegetarian isn't as easy as it seems you have to make rules on what
you can and can't eat I decided to eat anything with out a face so oysters and
clams were okay. Animals suffer a lot, for chickens in egg farms when they feel
stressed or put under harsh conditions they will act out which causes the the
workers to find ways to punish them such as cutting off the tails for pigs so
that when they bite them it'll hurt more  but they'll know  not to do it.
Mcdonald's even think that it's okay that hey have a 5% error rate and that even
that some of the cows were still alive when they get butchered.

chapter 20:
I was so excited to go hunting for the first time and We could of hunted for
turkey or deer but I felt more comfortable with the wild pig since it's known as
a nuisance here in California. I spotted a a few pigs and was ready to shoo but
y rifle wasn't ready and to put a bullet inthe chamber would make noise so I let
Richard take it. The next time I actually killed one and I was overwhelmed with
emotions and I couldn't see this pig as being meat and that I actually killed a
pig. I couldn't belive that after this Angelo was able to talk about food and
different dishes while I'm still caught up on how I just killed it and was I
going to be able to even eat this. This journey was to look at where or food
comes from and it's food chain and we are simply a part of it. But how we are
going about to get our food is all wrong.

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