HW . 22
The book I'm reading Tuesdays with Morrie an old man, a young man, and lifes greatest lesson By Mitch Albom
So far the book is mainly told through the point of view of the author Mitch and his experience with his teachers death. Mitchs teacher has a disease that's killing him slowly and instead of being depressed like some people he actually looked at it differently and made it so last days were filled wit joy and being with the ones he care about. Mitch at first when he left college lost contact with the teacher when he heard about him dying came back in his life and the teacher became more of a friend and mentor for him. One insightful quote I found interesting is when Mitch and Morrie were having one of their conversations and Morrie tells him "learn how to die, and you learn how to live" and I think the point of the message is that you have to accept death and learn that everyone will die, you can spend your life in happiness and doing what you want and living it to it's fullest. Another insight I found interesting was "83 everyone knows they're going to die, but nobody believes it. If we did we would do things differently" I agree with this quote because I always knew that were going to die I just never really believed it will happen at any moment or tried to change my life. "Mitch I embrace aging" this quote reminded me of when I was younger and I couldn't wait to get older and grow up but slowly as I got older I started to wish I was younger again.
The way that Morrie approaches death in this story is very different to how I see my family go about it. In my family it's kept on the low not talked about alot brought once or twice but that's it and theres never a happy side of it like Morrie sees it. But a connection I can make is how the only time you really see the people in your family or your friends is when your dying. Just like Mitch he lost contact with Morrie but the fact that he was dying he went and spent time with him.
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