Sunday, May 15, 2011

HW . 55b

For my project I decided to make a brochere of some of the alternative burials that most people dont know about or are rarely used. In the pamphlet it explains what the burial is, the cost of it, specifications and also tips to how it compares to the "traditional burial" of being embalmed and burried.

Some of the Alternative ways i wrote about are sea burial, home funeral, cremation, and memorial reef. A sea burial is when your body is cremated and the ashes are then scattered over the ocean usually perferred byt the navy or marines or those who have a found love for water. The next one was a home funeral which gives you the chance to take care of your loved one all the way to the end. In the confines off your home you get to care for the dead and spend as much time as needed with them compared to the "traditional" you dont have 24 hr. access. Another alternative I chose was cremation, since its not commonly used; the body is cremated and the ashes are put in a urn to keep around. This alternative doesnt take up land space or cause damage like the "traditional" way does. The last alternative I chose was a memorial reef when the ashes are put into a concrete reef ball that will sank to the bottom of the ocean.


  1. Your pamphlet was amazing, not only the visuals, but the material inside. It was nice to read about the alternatives and not only have a price range for each alternative but also a number we could call for extra help/ resources. It would have been interesting to read why you chose to pick those alternative choices to talk about instead of the others that might be available but other then that I thought your project was amazing and really helpful for when I think about my further plans when planning the way I want to be handled after my death.

  2. Kristen,

    You had a brochure with overview of each type of funeral: sea burial, home funeral, cremation and memorial reef, and it was nice to just look at a brochure on it like the ones given to you in funeral homes. I valued that you taught us more about the sea burial and memorial reef something we didn't touch upon much during this unit and had never heard of before. Also visuals for a reader like your brochure filled with new knowledge but a quick read, allowing the reader to not lose interest. A reason why this project matters to me is because it lets me know there are more options than having a simple burial. So that when I make my decision i have all this prior knowledge to help me make my decision. Only thing could have done was talk more about each burial on your post besides the pictures but other than that great job!
