Tuesday, April 5, 2011

HW . 42

An estimated one million illegal abortions occur in Brazil each year, yet very few women have ever been imprisoned on for seeking abortion”
In the US abortion is legal and taken advantage of the average amount of abortions that happen a year is around 1 million and around 3,304 a day.  Instead of giving the child up for adoption women chose to take the easy way out; 74% of women chose to have an abortion because the child interferes with their life or work. While in other parts of the world abortion is used in situations where the person was raped, or they cant support the child. In the US 93% of abortions happened as a form of birth control “a back up plan” because they didn’t use condoms or birth control pills while only 1% of the abortions are from rape.  The women that had an abortion because they didn’t use birth control was their choice which shows how now a days became apart of the social practice. As if its okay to have unprotected sex because you can always just use abortion as your back up plan there are women or girls who don’t choose to have sex and are forced into it and have an a abortion since it wasn’t their choice. Over the past couple of years abortion was seen as if it was “in-style” and something that everyone did the same as  C-sections the amount of the started to increase and also seen as if they were fashionable and “in –style” to.
While women in the US are using abortion as a birth control in Brazil its illegal and not used as a birth control and not taken advantage of. About 500,000 to 1 million women get and illegal abortion a year and most of the abortions that are reported a year are because women or girls were raped, the mothers life is in danger or the fetus has severe genetic abnormalities not because they chose or forgot to use protection. The women that choose to get a abortion were put into life threatening situations and instead of bringing a child into the world who could possibly face the same outcome  as they did end it before it can begin.
The chance of abortion becoming legal in Brazil is very slim; 73% of the people in Brazil are Roman Catholics which means that they are against abortion and when members of a church find out that you had an abortion or was a apart of one you are suspended out of the church and believed that you committed a mortal sin which means that unless you are forgiven you are then condemned to Hell. About 200,000 women are committed to a hospital because of unsafe illegal abortions a year since abortion is illegal they don’t all have the right and professional tools to use to give the procedure and almost die in the process.
A Brazilian 9 year old girl was raped by her stepfather and decided to have an abortion and because of what she did Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re and Jose Cardoso Sobrinho, who are a part of  the Roman Catholic Church's decided that she should be excommunicated and they believe that "It is a sad case but the real problem is that the twins conceived were two innocent persons, who had the right to live and could not be eliminated," although it was an unwanted pregnancy. But the fact that the young girls body wasn’t ready to give birth and was to skinny to handle twins and if the girl was to go through would probably risk the chance of all three of them dying wasn’t a factor or that her stepfather committed a crime and raped her. The fact that she had an abortion and the doctors that helped out are the real crime because she “murdered” two fetuses so her and the accomplices will be excommunicated. 

1.Downie, Andrew. "Abortions in Brazil, Though Illegal, Are Common." NY Times 02 Jun 2010: n. pag. Web. 5 Apr 2011. <times.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1993205,00.html>.
2."Mortal Sin ." 03 Apr 2010. Web. 5 Apr 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal_sin>.
3."Are Abortions Used As Birth Control." Real Choice. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr 2011. <http://realchoice.0catch.com/library/weekly/aa062600b.htm>.
4."Brazilian Girl's Abortion sparks Catholic row." Telegraph 09 Mar 2009: 1. Web. 5 Apr 2011. <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/brazil/4960546/Brazilian-girls-abortion-sparks-Catholic-row.html>.
5."United States Abortion Statistics." Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Apr 2011. <http://www.mccl.org/page.aspx?pid=400>.


  1. Hey Kristen. Just curious - what were, if any, the repercussions on the doctors that helped abort that little girl's twins and her family? I know in the US, you're supposed to have parental consent to get an abortion if you're under 18 in some locations but what about the parents? Were they blamed? Just as scornful?

  2. In Brazil, abortions are illegal compared to the United States it is legal to terminate the baby. In Brazil is is considered a sin and you shall be punished for committing such a crime as killing a baby.

    The part that you talked about the 9 year old being raped by her step father then later having an abortion because her physical body was not ready to have a set of twins i thought was very intriguing and heart felt. She was very young and it is unheard to hear something like that happen in the U.S.

    I believe that abortions should be opened to everybody not excluded from different countries especially Brazil. If people in the U.S can have them so do the woman in Brazil have the right way also. Its not a crime as the women being raped but more so the girl terminating the child.

  3. Kristen

    Abortion is the easy way out in case of unprotected sex and pregnancy happens just as the morning after pill is for, but when it is too late. Abortion was seen as a trend but in Brazil it is considered as a sin. I valued the topic of this quote because again it was something we have not discussed in class so you took it your hands to research about it. This matters to me because it is interesting to learn about whether it is accepted in Brazil as it is in US, particularly in NY. But after reading your work I learned that it was not, that it is more like it is in Mexico where people are very religious catholics, so it is seen as a sin and most abortion sites are illegal and not safe for woman. I enjoyed this blog, you could have compared it US or a bit more depth research of abortion. But other than that good job!
