I asked my father how he has dealt with caring for the dead since he has witnessed his uncles, brother, father, mother and grandmother dying and for each one he has had a major part in what goes on in the funeral. All the members services were held in the same church put in the same cemetery in Westchester that my grandfather picked out for when his first son past away who happened to be the first one in the family to die. Afterwards everyone would go back to the diseased household to eat and have a big dinner which soon became a tradition. Each family member past away from a health problem except for his brother who died from a car accident. All the men who died were smokers in their past which could of caused their deaths and for the women it was more of congenital from their mother or father. From the ones that I have attended with my father I’ve noticed that he tends to have a big part in it and he’s usually the only member who gives a speech and I asked him why no one else did it because he did it for everyone and he told me because all the members seemed to be to overwhelmed to take on that part. I also asked how come he wasn’t overwhelmed like the others were and it was because he was just able to cover it up for the time being and tried to be the strong one for everyone to try and keep everything together. I still wonder why none of the members didn’t want to be cremated and chose to go with being buried? Or what makes funerals a higher demand from people over being cremated?
My mother goes about caring for the dead simlar to the way that my father does shes hasnt been to as many family related funerals as my father has and hasnt had a part in the funerals as big like reading the eulogy. The main thing is that the member is burried in south Carolina because thats were most of the family is. But all of the funerals have been the same she hasnt been or experienced someone being cremated which is what she wants to happen to her. She feels that being cremated is more natural. When your burried your body is filled with chemcials and a different substances to make you look like your still "alive" which is the opposite of what is going on and a contradiction and she doesnt want that to happen to her. My mother would also would like some of her ashes to be spread in different places all over because she hopes to have memoires at all of these places, also she wants her family to keep some of her ashes with them if not she'll "haunt them ". I
I wounder though is it possible to haunt someone and when did the idea of that started. But also I see that my motherand father have both dealt with the dead both in different ways. While my father has traditions my mother doesnt really have a tradition for the dead except for being burried in South Carolina but its more of a choice though what you want to happen while with my father you had to be put their. Also while my mother would like to be cremated my father already has a spot that has been picked out which is suppose to be on top of his uncle and next to his mother and father who are next to his uncle and brother who are together in pairs. But because of family problems my father would rather be where ever my mother is then with them.
My mother goes about caring for the dead simlar to the way that my father does shes hasnt been to as many family related funerals as my father has and hasnt had a part in the funerals as big like reading the eulogy. The main thing is that the member is burried in south Carolina because thats were most of the family is. But all of the funerals have been the same she hasnt been or experienced someone being cremated which is what she wants to happen to her. She feels that being cremated is more natural. When your burried your body is filled with chemcials and a different substances to make you look like your still "alive" which is the opposite of what is going on and a contradiction and she doesnt want that to happen to her. My mother would also would like some of her ashes to be spread in different places all over because she hopes to have memoires at all of these places, also she wants her family to keep some of her ashes with them if not she'll "haunt them ". I
I wounder though is it possible to haunt someone and when did the idea of that started. But also I see that my motherand father have both dealt with the dead both in different ways. While my father has traditions my mother doesnt really have a tradition for the dead except for being burried in South Carolina but its more of a choice though what you want to happen while with my father you had to be put their. Also while my mother would like to be cremated my father already has a spot that has been picked out which is suppose to be on top of his uncle and next to his mother and father who are next to his uncle and brother who are together in pairs. But because of family problems my father would rather be where ever my mother is then with them.
I like how you started to explore this history of being "haunted" or "haunting" and compared your mother and fatheres traditions. The traditions were more family based than religion based which is an example of the social dominat practices. I also thought it was interesting that your father already has his place to be burried picked out. Do you find that odd or is that normal to you ?