Tuesday, May 17, 2011


 I watched the movie Harold& Maud and observed how they deal with death. Harold and Maud are the only ones that don't seem to have a problem with death and are comfortable with the idea of death and funeral unlike the mother.

 Harold even takes the idea of death just being a joke. In the movie Harold tends to joke around and try out different ways of dying around his mother to scare a reaction out of her. Maud is also comfortable with death and more relaxed about it, I believe she sad  "its a big circle of life" which shows her view which is were born and we all die life is just a cycle from beginning to end. She also tends to go to funerals and attend them as if its an everyday thing and shes doing it just for fun.

 I think Harold wants to die but he doesn't have it in himself to take the courage to actually go along with it and I guess that one day one of his jokes will actually kill him. How your able to deal with death might be impacted by how you are as a person because Harold is anti social and likes to be by himself. There's a quote I've heard that states "Its dangerous when someone is alone because all they have are their thoughts" and I think this quote is significant to Harold is because when your alone your mind can just wonder to different places and can take you to wherever and Harold was probably alone so much when growing up that he started to think about death.

Maud seems to be the type of person who is trying to live their life to the fullest or the best they can before their die. She has made her own way of getting "high", she drives fast  and without a care that when she could easily get into a car crash and die on the spot, she also tend to do other things that you wouldn't find women doing at her age."they grow they die into something else I would like to grow into a sunflower" this is significant because Maud compares the plants she see to herself and how when you do you will come back as something else which what she would like to happen.

    Harold's Mom doesn't feel comfortable with death and when she sees her son acting "dead" she just ignores it like its normal which shows how she deals with death by being in denial and not showing any emotions. I find it interesting that when before he put on his act of being dead he put a mat down on the ground so none of the blood will get on the carpet. She doesn't feel comfortable with death especially when its really gory and bloody. Harold likes to play around with death so much and so comfortable with it that if he was to actually kill his self nobody will take his death serious or believe him they'll just think its another one of his jokes.

    Harold enjoys being dead and he's scared of living feels like right now he's dead. Rather be dead and even took the new car he received and turned into a Hurst since hes "dead". Harold doesn't care about all the material things that the Sargent is telling him he will receive by going into the army. The only thing he finds appealing is the gory stories that he tells him about the killings he will probably be able to do when he joins and he's so fascinated about being able to kill someone and have no care about it.

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