Tuesday, May 3, 2011

HW. 51

Why waist thousands of dollarrs on a funeral and flowers and to burry someone in a casket you'll never see again after about two days compared to cremating them which on cost an average on 1,400. Americans choose cremation because it cost less money but also because it saves land. Now before the cremation the body has to be checked for anything that will harm the crematorium or us lie pace makers etc, or mercury in teeth that can make us sick when relaeased into the air, and not always but its good to wrap the body up in something either a shroud or a box.

  • 56 "even if ashes are buried in a cemetary they may take up less space then the average 32 square feet for a single coffin"
  • 59 " printed with ALices name and cremation number"
  • 53 "Incinerating bodies containing radioactive "seeds" used in some cancer therapies invluding radium 226 may spew radiation into the atmosphere"
I find it interesting of all the things that go in our body that we never really question. But i see here as these things are suppose to help us when it comes to certain situations they can then turn out to be deadly. Like a pace maker or the filling in our teeth to keep it closed when being cremated these things which were "helpful at one point are now very deadly and unsafe, which we dont really think of when we first get them. What you do to your body matters all the way til the end even after your dead.

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